
Spice and Shuffle 04

Category is... The Florida Sunshine State! Spice and Shuffle 04 Spotify playlist, curated by Skirmantas Petraitis, editor of Mr. Salt and Pepper.Category is… Florida, The Sunshine State!

Later this month, I’m flying off to Florida to experience Miami, Key West, Fort Lauderdale and Orlando. I’m so so excited to go on this trip with my best friend Alex. This will be my 3rd time visiting the United States. We are planning to eat plenty of junk food raw fish, jog next to the beach every morning and party like our rent is due. The activity log is endless! I’m also thinking of doing some content creation here and there, so keep your eyes peeled and your nan’s laptop in sight. #MrSaltAndPepperTakesMiami

This month, I packed “Spice and Shuffle” playlist with tunes inspired by the Sunshine State. If you heard “Florida” by Diplo then you’ll know what I mean. *winky face*

Finnish pop singer ALMA is my artists of the month. Her latest single “Chasing Highs” is song number 20, whilst the fresh-out-of-the-oven remix of “Dye My Hair” is song number 15. Throughout the set, you can hear new tracks from ZAYN, Drake, David Guetta, Nicki Minaj, Charli XCX, Tensnake and more. There’s something for everyone, but – most importantly – click the play button and let your mind + body do the rest!

So, without further mumbling from me… Here’s the 4th edition of “Spice and Shuffle” series, I hope you’ll like it!

Don’t forget to follow Mr. Salt and Pepper’s Spotify profile to stay up-to-date with the latest music. I’m always up for hearing new music, so please feel free to email me your suggestions!