
Vaser Update

Vaser Liposuction update, shot at Page8 Hotels. Features editor of Mr. Thirty-Something blog, Ed Lemont.

This blog post was done in collaboration with Bella Vou and Page8. However, all views expressed here are my own and not those of the sponsor.

One year since THE surgery…

Hey guys! 👋🏻 How is everyone doing during these crazy times in our lives? 👀 I must to admit, I’ve been neglecting this project since the lockdown has started and I honestly don’t know why… 🙇🏻‍♂️*sigh* These sudden changes to our daily lives really had an impact on my overall productivity but I try not to stress too much about it because it’s ok not to be ok during a worldwide pandemic. My aim right now is to do things when the right time comes.

So, with that said, today is the day where I’m (finally) updating your all on my Vaser Liposculpting journey! *yaaas* It’s been over a year now since I had THE surgery. NGL, it’s truly been a life-changing experience for me. All thanks to my blogger mate Ed Lemont who got in touch with me last year AND, of course, Bella Vou – a cosmetic surgery clinic based in The Royal Turnbridge Wells who took a really good care of me. 💆🏻‍♂️

Just before the lockdown, Ed and I booked a staycation at Page8 Hotel where we spend the weekend together and celebrated our 1-year Vaser Anniversary. *hashtag party* We ate pizza, drank copious amounts of coffee and shot fab images for the gram. *snap snap bish* Also, I offered Ed to take part in my “Vaser Update” video which you can find below… 📹 *scrolls down to watch the video*

Vaser Liposuction update, shot at Page8 Hotels. Bella Vou.
Breakfast at Page8 Hotels. Avocado toast and Oat Latte.
Vaser Liposuction update, shot at Page8 Hotels. Features editor of Mr. Thirty-Something blog, Ed Lemont.

Vaser Anniversary!

Back in March, Ed and I shot our 1-year Vaser Update video where we talked about our experience, as well as tips on fitness, diet and whether it’s was worth getting a liposuction in the first place. We also answered some of the questions we received on YouTube and Instagram. So, there you go, hope you like it. 😉