Fifty-seven minutes!
2019 has been (so far) the most life-changing year for me. I started the year by moving out of busy Fitzrovia and moving into lovely Marylebone. By moving home, I also made a conscious decision to let go of all the negativity that was surrounding me at the time and start things fresh. *yeah boy* This is by far the best decision I made since moving to London back in 2011!
In April, I had Vaser Liposculting surgery and started my journey towards plant-based living (a.k.a. vegan newbie, holla 🌱 ). So, it’s been almost 4 months and I’m feeling the best I’ve ever felt. Both my body and mind are clear, which allow me to take on new challenges in life.
A few weeks ago, I received an email from Virgin Sport. They were asking me to take part in ASICS London 10k run. As someone who has never run long distance, I was a bit hesitant at first but after a split second, my adventurous spirit was telling me to just go for it… and I did! *werk*
Prior to the run, I didn’t practise any running. However, I’m an avid cyclist, so I was relying a lot on my cycling abilities when it comes to stamina. *ermmm, okayyy*
When I was at my starting position, I honestly didn’t know what to expect but once we took off, everything seemed possible. Thanks to cheering spectators (and water showers, and water stations… and epic DJ sets haha). The time went by so fast that I honestly could have done an extra 5k. I finished at exactly 57 minutes but it would’ve been less if I didn’t need that toilet break!
After the ASICS London 10k run, I collected my medal and met my mate Ed Lemont for some poké and goss.

What’s next?!
Just a few days after my ASICS London 10k run, Virgin Sport got in touch once again. They were wondering if I’ll be up for doing half-marathon in Oxford this October. It didn’t take me long to respond. So, I’m super stoked to tell you that I’ll be doing my first half-marathon!!! *yaaas* I better start getting ready for this one because it’s like more than 21 kilometres this time. Jokes aside, this is getting real y’all!
If you’ve told me this time last year that I’ll be doing all these things in 2019, I would’ve said that you’re crazy. *haha* Therefore, I cannot wait to see what the future brings to Mr. Salt and Pepper. #WatchThisSpace